Collective Worship

What is collective worship?

Collective Worship is an integral part of our school day. It allows us to learn and reflect. We always have a key theme, which is one of our Christian values which we explore, in depth for half a term.
Collective Worship at Beechwood CE Primary School is largely based on the Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus. We focus on our values and vision in our worship. All pupils and staff are invited to participate, to learn and reflect on their lives and the world, wherever they may be on their journey of faith and belief. We also learn about and reflect on special days, celebrations, other faiths, influential people and events. There is a worship table in each room where worship takes place and we open each act of worship, with welcome words to remember the Holy Trinity.

Our Worship Timetable.

We worship daily and meet together as a school community or in phase or class groups.


Type of worship 

Led by 


Class Worship  

Class prayer before lunch

Class prayer before dismissal 

Class teachers 

Whole School Worship 

Class prayer before lunch

Class prayer before dismissal 


Phase Worship 

Class prayer before lunch

Class prayer before dismissal 

SMT and Class teachers 

Whole School Worship 

Class prayer before lunch

Class prayer before dismissal 



Class prayer before lunch

Class prayer before dismissal 

Class teachers 
** The local clergy support to deliver worship each half term.  

Related information

Beechwood CE Primary School Collective Worship Procedures:


Colours of the Church Year 2024-25:


Beechwood School Prayer:


Worship Leaders:


Prayer Space In School:


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