
Considering an application for your child to join our school?

Starting primary school is a big event in your child’s life. Below we have included all the information you need to consider when selecting the right school for you and your child.

The Trust has established admission criteria for all its schools. These are aligned with the Local Authority admission criteria and are there to decide which children get places.

The Trust’s admission criteria have been set to give priority to children:

1. Children who are looked after or are previously looked after child

As defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, priority will be given to a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority.

All Trust schools give top priority to admitting children who:

  • are in care or being looked after
  • have been in care

2. Children who have a sibling who attends the School at the date of application or admission

Whether siblings attend the school and will still be attending the school at the time of admissions. For admission purposes, a sibling is a child who resides at the same address as the child for whom a place is being requested, and is one of the following:

  • brother/sister
  • half-brother/sister (i.e. share one common parent)
  • stepbrother/sister (i.e. related by a parent’s marriage)
  • any other child for whom it can be demonstrated that s/he is residing permanently
    • at the same address (e.g. under the terms of a residence order).
    • The sibling connection only applies where families have a sibling attending the school
  • at the time of the application as well as at the time of admission.

3. Children with priority for admission given to those whose home address is the shortest distance from the school

How close the child lives to the school requested, with those living closest to the school getting the highest priority. The measurement between home and school will be determined by a straight-line measurement from the designated seed point of the home address to the designated seed point of the school using the local authority’s computerised system. The home address of a pupil is considered to be the permanent residence of a child when the place is offered. The address must be the child’s only or main residence and is either:

  • owned by the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s)
  • Leased to or rented by the child’s parent(s), carer(s) or guardian(s) under lease or written rental agreement.

Where parents have shared responsibility for a child and the child lives with both parents for part of the week then the main residence will be determined as the address where the child lives for a majority of the school week. If the child equally shares living with both parents, the parents must inform the Trust which address should be used for admission purposes and which parent will make the application. Parents may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used for the application.

The Trust and its schools can give you further information about admission criteria and how to apply for a place at a Trust school

Frequently Asked Questions

How to apply for a Reception place

If you are applying for a Reception Class place for your child for September, applications must be made to Dudley Local Authority at  Dudley Primary School Admissions.

If you have any questions about joining our school, please phone the school office on 01384 470 127 or email

In-Year Admissions

Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in- year admissions) should be made directly to the school. Parents/carers can apply for a place for their child at any time and to any school. On receipt of an in-year application, the school will notify the local authority of both the application and its outcome, to allow the local authority to keep up to date with figures on the availability of school places in Dudley.

You will need to fill in an Application for a Change of School In-Year form and take it to your preferred school with proof of address.

If you have any questions about joining our school, please phone the school office on 01384 470 127 or email

How are appeals managed?

At our School, we follow the Dudley Council procedures with regard to Admissions and Appeals.

If you would like more information about School Admissions or Appeals, please contact the school office on 01384 470 127 or email

View our Admissions Policy