
Spirituality is for everyone.
You do not have to be religious or follow a faith to be spiritual.

“Spirituality is an awareness of something bigger outside of ourselves.

It is not something that we see, it is something we feel inside ourselves.”

At Beechwood, when we talk to children about spirituality, we talk about:

  • Awe and Wonder
  • Making sense of the world around us
  • Reflecting
  • Caring for living things

We support children with their spiritual development by: 

  • Engaging with faith groups, activities, rituals and festivals
  • Sharing in collective worship 
  • Broadening children’s opportunities to have ‘wow’ moments 
  • Bringing groups together to share their experiences 
  • Disagreeing well and engaging in restorative conversations 
  • Helping to build self-motivation – choosing to love and respect others

We recognise that spirituality is a personal experience which occurs within the realms of love and respect; for ourselves, for others, and for the world around us.  

Our Spirituality Garden

Get in touch to find out more about our School